Internationally recognised Kosher Certification for food service and food production

About us
Kosher Supervisors of Wisconsin strives to provide the highest quality standard for Kosher certification for companies and establishments
that wish to offer Kosher product to the consumer.
Our trademarked symbols, are recognized and approved
by major certifying agencies and consumers around the world.
We are proud to be a member of AKO, the Association for Kashrus Organizations.
We certify retail establishments, Kosher Caterers
as well as over dozens of commercial manufacturing facilities.
Let us help you with all your kosher needs!
7020 N. Green Bay Ave
Glendale, WI 53209

Rabbi BenZion Twerski
Rav Hamachshir - Rabbinic Guide

Rabbi Akiva Freilich
Rabbinic Administrator

Rabbinic Liaison
Rabbi Tuvia Torem

Rabbi Shulem Horowitz
Rabbinic Supervisor
Rabbi Ayson Ganeles
Rabbinic Supervisor
Ohr HaTorah is a premier education center and Shul dedicated to connect, inspire and empower Jews of all ages of greater Milwaukee to be involved in a living
OHR HATORAHShul & Torah Center